Sample 360 Feedback Communication

Sample SigmaRadius 360 Communication

It’s no surprise that communication (or lack thereof) with participants before, during, and after your 360 Degree Feedback Process is critical for success.

However, what you communicate is as important as how you communicate it. Keep process transparency in the forefront as you clearly communicate:

  1. What you’ll do to ensure the confidentiality of all participants
  2. Why you’re implementing a 360 Degree Feedback Process
  3. What you will measure
  4. Who has input in selecting raters
  5. What you will do with results
  6. The project schedule

With the above in mind, here is a sample 360 communication that you can use as a starting point.

Initial 360 Feedback Communication

As part of our Succession Planning Process, you’ve been asked to participate in a 360 degree feedback process. The purpose is to provide each leader with a balanced view of their strengths and development opportunities.  Results will also inform decisions around Succession Planning and Leadership Development.

The process will take place from INSERT DATE to INSERT DATE.

At the completion of the process, each leader will receive a confidential report, take part in a group debrief session, and have the opportunity to participate in a one-on-one session with an executive coach.

What You Will Measure

  • Each Leader will be measured on X competencies that are important for success at INSERT ORGANIZATION NAME. (To determine what competencies to use, contact our 360 specialist. You can find a complete list of competencies here.)

Confidentiality Assurances

  • We have contracted with SIGMA Assessment Systems to ensure the fulfillment of confidentiality of all ratings and comments.
  • Keep in mind that there are confidentiality settings in place to protect your raters.
  • If there are only 3 ratings in a rater category, the score for this rater category will be suppressed (i.e., not revealed in the report). For example, if only two colleagues provide a valid rating for Facilitating Teamwork, no colleague score will show for that competency.
  • You will not have access to any individual rater’s ratings. All comments are anonymous.
  • Your Leader ratings are handled differently than the other rater categories. Leader ratings are not suppressed; leader ratings do not have the same confidentiality as the other rating categories. Your leaders will be informed that their ratings are not anonymous.

Rater Selections

For this process, each leader will select their own raters and share those selections with their supervisor. Complete the attached 360 Rater Form. When selecting your raters, it is important to:

  • Select raters who are familiar with your on-the-job behavior and who will provide honest and constructive feedback. Additionally, select raters not only from your own teams, but also from among those teams with whom you work closely.
  • Next, consult with your manager on your rater selections. Your manager will have an opportunity to review your rater form and may add raters whom they feel will be able to provide you with important feedback regarding your performance and development. You’ll be informed of any additional raters who have been added to your rater list.
  • Finally, select a minimum of 3 raters for the following categories: colleague, direct/indirect report, and other. The leader category only requires one rater.

Process Timeline

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360 communication

Want to use SIGMA’s tools and coaching services to guide your employees in their path to becoming successful leaders? Visit our leadership coaching information page, or contact Glen Harrison for details.


About the Author

Sharon Van Duynhoven

Office Manager

Sharon brings our tests and assessments from the development stage to marketable product. She ensures quality control at every step of a project, edits technical documents and manuals, and artistically enhances reports and resources. She also manages contracts with clients across the globe and answers technical questions.