Download Your Talent Development Guide Here

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Got Questions?

If you have any questions about the material in the guide, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us. Our consultants are always happy to chat. Send us an email or schedule a call, and we would be happy to walk you through SIGMA’s talent development process and answer any questions specific to your organization and your leadership team.

Talk to an Expert


Glen Harrison is an organizational transformation consultant and succession planning expert. Over the course of his career, Glen has worked with one-third of the Fortune 500 list and with every level of government in Canada and the United States. Having worked with numerous clients to build robust succession plans from the ground up, Glen has extensive experience in the application of SIGMA’s products and services to help organizations realize their people potential. If you are interested in learning more about SIGMA’s succession planning services, send Glen an email or give him a call. He’d love to chat with you.

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