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Assessment Guides

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Welcome to SIGMA’s assessment guide library.

These tools were developed by experts on our team to complement some of SIGMA’s most popular products. Download our PDF guides to learn how you can use SIGMA’s assessments in a variety of different contexts, and for a variety of different purposes. Can’t find what you’re looking for? Tell us what you need and we would be happy to make it for you!

LSP-R™ Guides

The Leadership Skills Profile-Revised (LSP-R) is a powerful leadership skills assessment that can help guide employee and leadership development efforts.

LSP-R GuideLSP-R Guide Description
Administrator’s Guide This guide provides an overview of the LSP-R and demonstrates how to use the Focus Report to create development plans.Download
Step-by-Step Guide to the LSP-R Focus ReportUse this guide to get an overview of the LSP-R Focus Report as well as the various activities that can be completed to further leadership development.Download
How to Use the LSP-R Across CulturesLearn how the LSP-R can be used across different cultures in the workplace.Download
How to Interpret LSP-R Results Across CulturesLearn how to interpret leadership scores and response styles across cultures with the LSP-R.Download
How to Plan for Succession with the LSP-RRefer to this guide to learn how to use the LSP-R assessment to help with an organization’s succession planning efforts.Download
How to Develop Large Groups on a Small Budget Using the LSP-RThis guide walks you through how to develop large groups on a small budget.Download
How to Measure Leadership Using the LSP-RThis guide explains how measures of leadership, like the LSP-R, can be used to build stronger and more robust teams.Download
How to Use the LSP-R for Team Building Learn how the LSP-R can be used to run a powerful team building workshop.Download
How to Use the LSP-R in Business SchoolsRead this guide to learn how business schools can use the LSP-R to equip their students to become better leaders.Download
How to Use the LSP-R in HR Programs This guide introduces the LSP-R and explains how the assessment can be used to help HR students become better leaders.Download

Use this guide to run an engaging character-based team building session.

LCIA Guides

The Leadership Character Insight Assessment (LCIA) measures leadership character to provide leaders and potential leaders with valuable and practical insights for leadership development purposes.

LCIA GuideLCIA Guide Description
How to Use the LCIAThis guide will explain how to use the LCIA-Self and LCIA-360 Reports to facilitate powerful leadership development.Download
LCIA to Create Mission/Vision/Values StatementsThis guide teaches organizations how to create character-based mission, vision, and values statements that can become an impactful anchor and driver for strategy and success.Download

SIGMARadius Guides

SIGMARadius is a 360-degree leadership assessment that helps organizations collect feedback from multiple sources regarding a leader’s ability.

SIGMARadius GuideSIGMARadius Guide Description
How to Use SIGMARadius Across CulturesThis guide goes over how SIGMARadius can be used to assess leadership across different cultures in the workplace.Download
How to Interpret SIGMARadius Results Across CulturesRead this guide to learn how to interpret SIGMARadius scores across cultures in the workplace.Download
How to Use SIGMARadius for Succession PlanningLearn how to use SIGMARadius to enhance an organization’s succession planning efforts by maximizing the impact of talent development.Download
SIGMARadius 360 Degree Development GuideThis guide includes a series of activities that will help leaders narrow the focus of their development efforts and select their own development priorities.Download

MEIA-R Guides

The Multidimensional Emotional Intelligence Assessment-Revised (MEIA-R) is designed to measure emotional intelligence and promote leadership development.

MEIA-R GuideMEIA-R Guide Description
How to Use the MEIA-R/MEIA-W-R Across CulturesThis guide explains how the MEIA-R and the MEIA-W-R can be used to assess emotional intelligence across different cultures in the workplace.Download
How to Interpret the MEIA-R/MEIA-W-R Across CulturesRead this guide to learn how to interpret the MEIA-R and MEIA-W-R’s emotional intelligence scores in a cross-cultural context.Download
How to Use the MEIA-W-R for Succession PlanningLearn how to use the MEIA-R and MEAW-R to add emotional intelligence to your succession planning and talent development process.Download