Holiday Hours: SIGMA would like to wish you and your family a joyful Holiday season! Please note that our offices will be closed from December 24, 2024 – January 1, 2025. We will have limited online support during that time. We ask that you submit all physical orders by December 19th to allow sufficient time for processing. Happy Holidays from SIGMA!

Leadership Assessments

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Put our science-based leadership assessments to work to uncover the potential in your people and your organization.

Leadership competencies and characteristics can often be hard to see on the surface. At SIGMA, we help organizations measure these qualities as well as other leadership traits and skills that make individuals successful leaders. By utilizing our assessments, you’ll be able to identify the leadership strengths and developmental opportunities of existing and prospective leaders in your organization.

SIGMA’s Leadership Assessments

Leadership Assessments
SIGMA Leadership Assessments - LSP-R

Leadership Skills Profile – Revised® Focus

The LSP-R® is a personality-based self-assessment of leadership skills. It measures 50 leadership competencies and provides a comprehensive report with tips and templates for creating a leadership development plan.

Leadership Assessments
SIGMA Leadership Assessments - MEIA-W-R

Multidimensional Emotional Intelligence Assessment – Workplace – Revised

The MEIA-W-R is the next generation of our MEIA-W and measures emotional intelligence (EI) in work settings. The assessment breaks down how individuals perceive, understand, regulate, and express emotions.

Leadership Assessments
SIGMA Leadership Assessments - Leadership Character Insight Assessment

Leadership Character Insight Assessment

The LCIA measures 11 dimensions of leadership character and provides practical tools and insights for creating a leadership development plan. The LCIA is available both as a self-assessment (LCIA-Self) and as a 360 degree assessment (LCIA-360).

Leadership Assessments
SIGMA Leadership Assessments - SIGMARadius 360 Degree Feedback


SIGMARadius is a 360 degree assessment of leadership skills. Like the LSP-R, it measures 50 leadership competencies and provides a comprehensive report with tips and templates for creating a leadership development plan.

Leadership Assessments
SIGMA Leadership Assessments - Survey of Work Styles

Survey of Work Styles

The SWS is a type A behavior pattern test. It is a self-report questionnaire designed to assess six distinct components of the Type A Behavior Pattern (impatience, anger, work involvement, time urgency, job dissatisfaction, and competitiveness).

Leadership Assessments
SIGMA Leadership Assessments - Occupational Stress Inventory Revised

Occupational Stress Inventory – Revised

The OSI-R measures three domains of occupational adjustment – occupational stress, psychological strain, and coping resources. This assessment is a great way to measure wellbeing in the workplace!

Leadership Assessments
SIGMA Leadership Assessments - Leadership Development Report

Leadership Development Report

The LDR is a personality-based leadership assessment that measures five broad leadership orientations, 13 leadership dimensions, and 25 personality characteristics. The assessment can be used to create leadership development plans for employees, or career development plans for MBA and executive education programs.

Why Use Leadership Assessments?

Leadership assessments are powerful tools for talent development. They are also incredibly versatile. Leadership assessments can be used to:

  • Recognize talent
  • Uncover potential
  • Inform hiring and promotion
  • Identify strengths
  • Identify opportunities for growth
  • Increase self-awareness
  • Provide a foundation for talent development programs

There are many benefits to using leadership assessments to support the processes listed above. Some of those benefits include increased employee engagement, increased job satisfaction, stronger internal talent pools, decreased turnover, and improved company culture. But these benefits only apply when the assessment is valid and reliable. SIGMA’s assessments are. Each of our assessments has been scientifically developed and industry tested. That means you can trust your results and be confident that you are getting the most out of your leadership assessment.

Leadership Assessment FAQs

Let us help you leverage your people to maximize your company.

Contact us today to learn more about our suite of leadership development assessments.