Holiday Hours: SIGMA would like to wish you and your family a joyful Holiday season! Please note that our offices will be closed from December 24, 2024 – January 1, 2025. We will have limited online support during that time. We ask that you submit all physical orders by December 19th to allow sufficient time for processing. Happy Holidays from SIGMA!

Leadership Character Insight Assessment




20 minutes

Test User Qualifications:
Sample Report:
Sample Report

What is the Leadership Character Insight Assessment?

The Leadership Character Insight Assessment (LCIA) is the product of a creative and dynamic partnership between experts in leadership at the Ivey Business School and experts in assessment at SIGMA. It is designed to measure leadership character and provide leaders and potential leaders with practical insight for leadership development regarding:

  • What leader character is and why it is essential for building strong leaders and organizations
  • Key dimensions of character, their corresponding elements, and how they interact to influence leadership effectiveness
  • Character strengths
  • Information on how leaders can grow and develop on each character dimension

What Is the Leadership Character Insight Assessment Best Used For?

  • Equipping leaders and organizations with a deeper understanding of character and the language to discuss leader character in a meaningful way
  • Providing a platform to initiate learning and development around leader character
  • Identifying and addressing problems that stall careers and contaminate working relationships
  • Augmenting a competence-based leadership assessment process with a unique, powerful predictor of leadership performance

Character Matters: Introducing the LCIA Assessment

Watch Dr. Gerard Seijts, Executive Director of the Ian O. Ihnatowycz Institute for Leadership at the Richard Ivey School of Business, as he discusses:

  • Why leadership character matters
  • The importance of measuring leadership character
  • What is the LCIA
  • How you can use the LCIA to develop better leaders
Character Matters: Introducing the LCIA

Why Should I Use the Leadership Character Insight Assessment?

Organizations need people at all levels who are ready, willing, and able to perform at their best and inspire excellence in others. Those who do this well possess the competencies, commitment, and character to be effective leaders.

Competencies and commitment are important; however, character plays a critical role in determining leadership behavior. Character determines how leaders see and interpret things and how they will react in different situations; the criteria they use to make decisions and how those decisions are implemented. As a result, character has a significant impact on both leadership effectiveness and organizational performance.

The LCIA is:

  • Based on research from a multi-disciplinary group of researchers at the Ivey Business School capturing the latest thinking about good leadership
  • Available in self-report and 360 versions (LCIA – Self and LCIA-360)
  • LCIA-360 includes specific developmental comments provided by your raters
  • Both reports provide practical, actionable resources designed to enhance your understanding of the character dimensions and elements and assist with character development


The LCIA is available for online testing only. Below are the associated startup costs.

View the complete listing of all our LCIA products and pricing. Leadership coaching sessions are also available with the LCIA-360. Contact us today to learn more.

LCIA Guides

Assessment Guide Icon - Administrators Guide

How to Use the LCIA
*Slides for administering and
debriefing the assessment

mission vision values statements

How to Use the LCIA to Create
Mission/Vision/Values Statements
*Workshop package

Assessment Guide Icon - Team Building

How to Use the LCIA
for Team Building
*Workshop package

Other Resources