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Creating a Selection to Development Pipeline

How to Integrate Selection and Development with the LSP-R

The recently released Leadership Skills Profile-Revised™ (LSP-R) is a personality-based assessment that predicts performance on 50 competencies crucial to effective leadership. In addition to its predictive power, the LSP-R is a versatile assessment that can pull “double-duty” by helping organizations make better hiring and placement decisions to help foster and track the development of their leaders. Selecting new leaders is a significant investment for organizations and supporting new leaders’ continued growth is a critical part of maximizing their potential and retaining top talent. The LSP-R Selection and Focus reports can be integrated into a selection to development pipeline to help support these investments in leadership.

Overview of the LSP-R Selection Report

The LSP-R Selection Report enables easy comparison across job candidates by providing summary scores on Overall Leadership Performance, Interpersonal Leadership Effectiveness, and Task Orientation, indicating how candidates compare to senior managers and executives across a variety of organizations and industries.

Spotlight: The Performance Grid

The LSP-R Selection Report includes a Performance Grid, which is designed to help leaders clarify the differences between candidates. The grid places each candidate in one of four quadrants that reflect whether candidates are above or below average on Interpersonal Effectiveness and Task Orientation. Based on a candidate’s position on the grid, relative to other candidates, leaders will be able to decide who is best suited for their team and the position in question.

LSP-R Selection Report

Competency Scores

The LSP-R Selection Report also includes scores for candidates on each competency, allowing for fine-grained comparisons between candidates on the competencies that matter most in your organization.

Overview of the LSP-R Focus Report

The LSP-R Focus Report offers detailed personalized feedback regarding leaders’ potential performance on each competency along with customized development advice. The feedback is designed to help the candidate gain insight into how their personality might impact their performance, and the suggestions for improvement provide direct actionable steps to get started.

Spotlight: MyZONE

A key component of the LSP-R Focus Report is the MyZONE highlighted in each report’s Snapshot of results. MyZONE is a feature that identifies the competencies which represent the most immediate opportunities for development for each candidate. These are not necessarily the candidate’s lowest-scoring competencies, but those that show potential for significant improvement if targeted for development. Together, these features make the LSP-R a valuable tool for creating individual development plans and tracking progress toward improvement.

LSP-R Selection Report

Integrating the Selection and Focus Reports

Administering the LSP-R to your top-ranked candidates is the first step in making a more informed selection decision. Complimenting your current hiring and placement procedures with candidates’ LSP-R Selection Reports can help direct attention to important leadership competencies in executive and managerial positions. Additionally, making detailed comparisons on the competencies that are most closely aligned with position requirements for your organization could add the valuable insight you need when comparing the best candidates.

Integrating the LSP-R into hiring and placement decisions also provides new hires with a head start on their development. Candidates’ LSP-R scores at the time of their hiring can serve as a benchmark to identify areas for development. It can also be used to track their growth over time. Shifting the role of the LSP-R from a selection assessment to a development tool early into a leader’s tenure can have multiple benefits. It signals to the leader that the organization cares about their employees and fostering their continued growth. It also sets an expectation that the organization is forward-thinking and values employees who invest consistent effort into improving their skills.

For leaders in new positions, the LSP-R Focus Report can be vital for identifying areas of development, which can result in successful growth for the future. Even the most qualified candidates can find adjusting to a new position challenging. Using the LSP-R Focus Report to target and help leaders engage in activities for successful development early in their tenure is a great way to give them an early “win”, boosting their confidence, sense of self-efficacy, and improving the competencies they need to tackle the obstacles and difficulties of entering a new role.

Supporting Your Investment

With a strong foundation for a selection to development pipeline in place, you can look to other ways of improving its effectiveness. For example, the LSP-R is compatible with our SIGMARadius 360 Degree Feedback, which can provide additional perspectives on candidates’ leadership competencies.

Pairing leaders in new positions with an executive coach can also be an immediate boost to their development and subsequent performance. Coaching can help leaders stay on track with their development and increase their accountability. Guidance from an experienced coach can help provide the essential support that leaders in new positions need to get on the road to long-term success in an organization.

Ready to Get Started?

Help your leaders start on the right path by making better selection decisions and fostering their development. Contact us to learn more about using the LSP-R in your organization.

Talk to an Expert


If you’re not sure where to start, contact Glen Harrison. Glen knows SIGMA’s material inside and out, and can tell you first-hand stories of the work we’ve done with our clients. If you are interested in learning more about SIGMA’s assessments, email Glen or give him a call! He’d love to chat with you.

1 – 800 – 401 – 4480 ext. 233

About the Author

Sharon Van Duynhoven

Office Manager

Sharon brings our tests and assessments from the development stage to marketable product. She ensures quality control at every step of a project, edits technical documents and manuals, and artistically enhances reports and resources. She also manages contracts with clients across the globe and answers technical questions.