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Great Leaders are Flexible


Let no one think that flexibility and a predisposition to compromise is a sign of weakness or a sell-out.

– Paul Kagame

What Does it Mean to Be a Flexible Leader?

Flexibility is an increasingly important trait in a rapidly changing economic and social environment. Flexible leaders are those who can modify their management style or approach to leadership in response to uncertain or unpredictable circumstances. In addition, flexible leaders can adapt to changes as they come. They can revise their plans to incorporate new innovations and overcome challenges, while still achieving their goals. Flexibility is not only about surviving and thriving in new situations. Adaptable leaders can also implement new behaviors into old, existing situations. This allows them to express creativity in their work and find new ways to solve problems. Flexibility is the willingness to try new behaviors, regardless of whether one is currently undergoing a time of change in their company.

Steps to Effective Flexible Leadership

Just being open to new behaviors is not enough to make an effective flexible leader. First, leaders need to recognize situations in which their old behaviors are not working. Next, they need to decide how to approach the problem, including what new behaviors or approaches are feasible, and which will accomplish their goals within the restraints of their situation. Finally, once a new path is decided upon, flexible leaders need to be able to assess the current success and progress of their new behaviors and re-evaluate or further modify behaviors that are unsuccessful.

How to Assess Your Leadership Flexibility

In assessing your leadership flexibility and adaptability, ask yourself the following questions:

  • Am I depending too much on any one behavior?
  • Have I considered alternate approaches to solving a problem?
  • Am I open to trying new suggestions or strategies from others?
  • Can I recognize when changes to my behavior are needed?
  • How often do I stop to assess the success of my behavior in a situation?
  • Do I encourage my employees to be flexible in times of change?

Ways to Improve Your Leadership Flexibility and Adaptability

Appreciate the Versatility of Flexibility

The ways in which a leader can be flexible are infinite. Different leaders will face different challenges, and each leader will need to recognize and seize opportunities for flexibility within their own sphere of influence and action. For example, here are only a few cases in which flexibility can improve the performance of leaders.

Firstly, leadership flexibility can help solve difficulties in communicating or connecting with employees. Everyone will have different listening, learning, or comprehension styles, and a flexible leader should not only understand this concept, but also act on it. Identify how an employee needs a leader to communicate and change your approach to fit this model1.

Secondly, leaders need flexibility when interacting with individuals from different fields, industries, or cultures. Global organizations and interdisciplinary teams try to capitalize on the differences in education, experience, and knowledge of diverse individuals. Leaders must be able to let go of their usual routines and embrace the work styles of others when working with individuals different from themselves.

Finally, large changes in tools, technology, or work styles are common as technology advances and companies seek greater efficiency. Leaders must be able to roll with these changes, keep up with changing trends in their work, and adapt new behaviors to match the rate of progress. Many individuals are hesitant or uncomfortable with change, but an effective adaptable leader needs to be able to recognize, accept, and welcome change to stay at the top of their game.

Foster Flexible Employees

Leaders aren’t the only individuals who need to be flexible for a company to be successful. Encouraging employees to be more flexible in their own work will help develop their flexibility skills. Team members who are more flexible understand the need for changing behaviors with changing circumstances. If employees understand the value of flexibility, they will be more open to any changes suggested by their leaders. Fostering employee flexibility also allows individuals to try new behaviors in their own roles, thus improving their problem solving and increasing their sense of control over their own work. Employees given the trust and freedom to try new approaches feel a greater sense of ownership in their work and are generally more productive2.

Lean on Your Other Leadership Characteristics

The actual expression, implementation, and success of flexibility will depend on your ability to use your other leadership characteristics in new situations3. For example, leaders who are creative may be better equipped to brainstorm new ways to problem solve. Leaders who are persuasive may be better able to convince their employees to try new behaviors in times of change. Similarly, employees who are effective communicators can explain why their new flexible behaviors are important, encouraging employees to trust in the leader’s changing plans. Finally, having strength in some, or all, of these other skills will help a leader to be flexible in their own behaviors, while also encouraging employees to be more flexible and open to change.

How to Become a More Flexible Leader

The following steps can help you adopt a more flexible leadership style:

Look for Opportunities to Be More Flexible

It is easy to fall into routine in many parts of daily life. And often, the opportunity to be flexible is overlooked or unrecognized. Leaders can learn to identify situations in which flexibility might be a valuable resource. An example of this could be when a familiar situation changes, or when new problems arise. Before facing new situations or challenges, consider what your initial response to this challenge would be. Is this behavior chosen because it is the most effective approach? Or is it chosen because you often approach new situations in the same way? Try to tailor your responses to the actual situation at hand. Over time, leaders can become more comfortable with ambiguity. This subsequently allows them to not only display flexibility, but to also do so with ease and comfort.

Listen to Others

While flexible leaders are open to trying new approaches, it is not necessary for the flexible leader to generate all the new solutions themselves. The experience, knowledge, and skills of individuals can be leveraged to help leaders consider, evaluate, and implement new approaches to problem solving. Flexible leaders should be open to the advice, feedback, and input from others. Additionally, they should understand that the best solutions don’t need to come from the top.

Check Your Progress

As leaders have more responsibilities assigned to them or multiple deadlines approaching, it can be tempting to fall back on old behaviors or strategies to problem solving that have been successful in the past. Remember to pause before making decisions or starting new assignments to consider if the path you’ve outlined is really the best approach for your current project. Reflect on why you chose the strategy you did and consider some alternative methods. In short, dedicating this time for reflection can encourage leaders to be not only more flexible, but also creative and innovative in their work.


    WATCH: Why is flexibility important for leadership?
    READ: Your Leadership Style – Learn to be flexible in 3 steps.
    DEVELOP your flexibility by taking advantage of SIGMA’s coaching services.

    Interested in a hard copy of the Great Leaders are Flexible handout? Download your PDF copy of our Leadership Series Handout.


    Contact SIGMA for coaching on developing your skills as a leader.

    SIGMA Assessment Systems, Inc.
    Call:     800-265-1285

    flexible leader

    1Zaccaro, S. J., Foti, R. J., & Kenny, D. A. (1991). Self-monitoring and trait-based variance in leadership: An investigation of leader flexibility across multiple group situations. Journal of Applied Psychology, 76(2), 308-315.

    2Cerasoli, C. P., Nicklin, J. M., & Nassrelgrgawi, A. S. (2016). Performance, incentives, and needs for autonomy, competence, and relatedness: A meta-analysis. Motivation and Emotion, 40(6), 781-813.

    3Yukl, G. & Mahsud, R. (2010). Why flexible and adaptive leadership is essential. Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research, 62(2), 81-93.

    About the Author

    Sharon Van Duynhoven

    Office Manager

    Sharon brings our tests and assessments from the development stage to marketable product. She ensures quality control at every step of a project, edits technical documents and manuals, and artistically enhances reports and resources. She also manages contracts with clients across the globe and answers technical questions.