Holiday Hours: SIGMA would like to wish you and your family a joyful Holiday season! Please note that our offices will be closed from December 24, 2024 – January 1, 2025. We will have limited online support during that time. We ask that you submit all physical orders by December 19th to allow sufficient time for processing. Happy Holidays from SIGMA!

Leadership Development Series

Home » Leadership Development Series

SIGMA’s Leadership Development Series provides additional information about what is important about each competency in SIGMA’s Leadership Competency Framework. This framework is used to support our coaching, leadership development, and succession planning services. There are also two assessments that correspond to SIGMA’s Leadership Competency Framework:

  1. the Leadership Skills Profile – Revised™ (LSP-R™) and
  2. the SIGMARadius 360 Degree Feedback.

How to Use SIGMA’s Leadership Development Series

Leadership Development Series

Below you will find a complete list of our leadership competencies as well as links to corresponding handouts. Each guide provides tips on how you can improve your leadership skills, and includes resources to watch, read, or listen to. If you have any questions about the material in the Leadership Development Series guides, or if you would like access to further development resources, please contact us.

SigmaRadius 360 Degree FeedbackLeadership Skills Profile – Revised (LSP-R)Leadership Skills Handout Availability
Achievement and MotivationAchievement and MotivationDownload: Motivated Leaders Attract Motivated Talent
AmbitionAmbitionDownload: Great Leaders Are Ambitious
Analytical OrientationAnalytical OrientationDownload: Great Leaders are Analytical
Assuming ResponsibilityAssuming ResponsibilityDownload: Great Leaders Assume Responsibility
Attracting StaffAttracting StaffDownload: Great Leaders Attract & Retain Top Talent
Business AcumenBusiness AcumenDownload: Great Leaders Have Business Acumen
Client/Customer FocusClient/Customer FocusDownload: Great Leaders Value Customers
CommunicationCommunicationDownload: Great Leaders Communicate
Conflict ManagementConflict ManagementDownload: Great Leaders Manage Conflict
CreativityCreativityDownload: Great Leaders are Creative
DecisivenessDecisivenessDownload: Great Leaders are Decisive
DelegationDelegationDownload: Great Leaders Delegate
Demonstrating UnderstandingActive ListeningDownload: Great Leaders Listen
DependabilityDependabilityDownload: Great Leaders Are Dependable
Desire to LearnDesire to LearnDownload: Great Leaders are Learners
Developing/Coaching OthersDeveloping/Coaching OthersDownload: Great Leaders Develop Others
Emotional ControlEmotional ControlDownload: Great Leaders Have Control
Emphasizing ExcellenceEmphasizing ExcellenceDownload: Great Leaders Emphasize Excellence
Facilitating TeamworkFacilitating TeamworkDownload: Great Leaders Build Great Teams
First ImpressionFirst ImpressionDownload: Great Leaders Make a Good First Impression
FlexibilityFlexibilityDownload: Great Leaders are Flexible
Formal PresentationFormal PresentationDownload: Great Leaders Are Great Presenters
Overall EffectivenessGeneral Leadership Effectiveness  
IndependenceIndependenceDownload: Great Leaders Are Independent
Inspirational Role ModelInspirational Role ModelDownload: Great Leaders Inspire Others
IntegrityIntegrityDownload: Great Leaders Have Integrity
Interpersonal RelationsInterpersonal RelationsDownload: Great Leaders Have Strong Relationships
Involving Direct ReportsInvolving Direct ReportsDownload: Great Leaders Involve Direct Reports
Listening SkillsActive ListeningDownload: Great Leaders Listen
Monitoring and ControllingMonitoring and ControllingDownload: Great Leaders Monitor Others’ Work
Motivating OthersMotivating OthersDownload: Great Leaders Motivate Others
NegotiationNegotiationDownload: Great Leaders Negotiate
ObjectivityObjectivityDownload: Great Leaders Stay Objective
Open-MindednessOpen-MindednessDownload: Great Leaders Are Open-Minded
Operating UpwardsOperating UpwardsDownload: Great Leaders Operate Upwards
Organizational SpokespersonOrganizational SpokespersonDownload: Great Leaders Are Spokespeople
Organizing the Work of OthersOrganizing the Work of OthersDownload: Great Leaders Organize Work
PersuasivenessPersuasivenessDownload: Great Leaders Lead with Persuasion
PrioritizingPrioritizingDownload: Great Leaders Prioritize
ProductivityProductivityDownload: Great Leaders are Productive
Risk TakingRisk TakingDownload: Great Leaders Take Risks
Self-DisciplineSelf-DisciplineDownload: Great Leaders Exercise Self-Discipline
Self-EsteemSelf-EsteemDownload: Great Leaders Have Self-Esteem
SensitivitySensitivityDownload: Great Leaders are Sensitive
Short-Term PlanningShort-Term PlanningDownload: Great Leaders are Goal-Oriented
Social AstutenessSocial AstutenessDownload: Great Leaders are Socially Astute
Strategic PlanningStrategic PlanningDownload: Great Leaders are Strategic
Technical OrientationTechnical OrientationDownload: Great Leaders are Technical
ThoroughnessThoroughnessDownload: Great Leaders are Thorough
Valuing DiversityValuing DiversityDownload: Great Leaders Value Diversity
VisionVisionDownload: Great Leaders Have Vision
Work/Life BalanceWork/Life BalanceDownload: Great Leaders Have Balance

Speak with an Expert

If you would like to speak with a consultant about any of the above guides on leadership development, or talent development in general, book a call with us below! We are always happy to chat.

Meet the Team


Erica Sutherland, Ph.D.

Senior Consultant & Executive Coach

Erica completed her Ph.D. in Industrial-Organizational psychology at Western University. She is a Senior Consultant at SIGMA, where she delivers consulting services and Succession Planning solutions to clients. As a member of SIGMA’s executive coaching team, Erica works one-on-one with leaders to develop talent. She also brings her expertise in measurement and psychometrics to the R&D team, assisting with the development and validation of SIGMA’s many assessments.


Brittney Anderson, Ph.D.

Senior Consultant & Executive Coach

Brittney is a member of our coaching and consulting team. She brings her expertise in evidence-based practice to provide companies with leadership solutions that meet their needs. Primarily, Brittney helps her clients prepare for their future with succession planning and comprehensive leadership development programs. As an executive coach, she helps leaders hone their skills using a process-based approach to development.

Arieana Thompson, Ph.D.

Senior Consultant

Arieana is a senior leadership consultant. She believes in positively transforming the modern-day workplace through thought-provoking, evidence-based insights. Arieana is a subject matter expert in executive leadership, succession management, wellness cultures, and employee growth. In her work at SIGMA, she supports executive teams with succession planning and leadership development and assessment.