The Weekly Character Challenge
Welcome to SIGMA’s Character Challenge
Here you’ll find weekly calendars for SIGMA’s character challenge. Each calendar includes two character-based activities per day, for five days of the week. You can complete these challenges as listed, or spread them over two weeks or a month. You can also pick and choose which challenges you’d like to complete based on your LCIA results. Take a look at pg 6 of your Leader Report (see sample report), and identify the competencies where you have room for improvement. Regardless of how you decide to use these calendars, the important thing is to set aside regular time and put in consistent effort to develop your leader character.
Weekly Character Challenge Calendars
Looking for More?
Our weekly character challenge is based on the 11 leadership dimensions assessed by the Leadership Character Insight Assessment (LCIA). If you would like more help developing these character dimensions, contact us today. We offer one-on-one coaching for the LCIA-360, and we have a number of other resources we’d be happy to share with you.